Use does not imply worth

It’s easy to conflate the use of something with the worthwhile use of something. In other words, using something in a valuable fashion.

Just because somebody uses something, doesn’t mean it provides them with value, let alone more value than it costs.

Because value is subjective, I’ll give an example of my own. Email. Something that can be both worthwhile and not worthwhile. Sometimes I use email to reply to things that I shouldn’t reply to. I get caught up in the moment of checking my email. It would be faulty to assume that an email system is worthwhile simply because I use it.

Unfortunately, many organizations measure success in terms of use. They keep what customers use. Things that aren’t used as heavily aren’t kept around.

The sad part is, the things that are used less often, could be much more worthwhile. If you have two things you provide to customers, let’s say offering A and offering B. Let’s say A is used 1/100th as much as B.

If you couldn’t continue to offer both A and B, at first glance it may seem logical to get rid of A. But, offering A may provide 1000x times the value to your customers, compared to offering B. In this situation, wouldn’t it make sense to get rid of B, not A?

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