Stop putting up signs

We like to think that rules are all we need to have a functioning society and that if we simply put up signs, with the rules, that people will obey them. And if people don’t, well then, there was a sign, so shame on them.

But, if you ever watch people, for the most part they don’t look at signs for guidance.


Most of the time they look at other human beings to decide what to do. It’s a simple heuristic that tends to bode well for adherents.

For example, at an intersection in NYC, pedestrians don’t look at the cross walk signals. They look at what other people are doing. If other people are crossing, they cross too, ocassionally stepping in front of cars! If other people are stopped, they stop too. Even if they have the right of way!

Knowing that people follow people, not signs, isn’t it about time we stopped putting up so many signs and instead start doing the things we want other people to do?

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