I’ve got your back coaching with a fixed price

One of the things I love the most about being a consultant is that I’m free to tailor the value I contribute to what each customer desires. To what each customer finds valuable.

I’ve had a few projects lately where I’ve offered what I like to think of as I’ve got your back coaching. I structure these projects such that I can literally have my customer’s back.

This especially works well when a customer really needs a push in the right direction. It’s great for teaching people and helping them apply what they’ve learned. The deal is structured to get them up and running on their own time-frame. And when they stumble, I’m there for them.

It’s like taking out an insurance policy on making an improvement. And many of my customers file claims along the way and I love to help because what might otherwise be a nightmare is swiftly conquered. And they’re off to worrying about other things, they know they don’t have to worry about the things where I’ve got their back.

Of course many people do this in other types of business relationships, but a crucial component that I offer that makes the difference is that we establish all of the following upfront:
– I take the time to learn what my customer wants to accomplish.
– I make sure I can have their back, that I’m competent.
– I setup a fixed price to have their back. There’s no billable clock running when they call which means they aren’t afraid to lean on me. If they had to pay to lean on me, they wouldn’t and then I couldn’t have their back.
– I provide a satisfaction guarantee. If I don’t have their back then I don’t take their money. I wouldn’t want to.

It’s a win-win for both of us. And it’s one of the most fulfilling aspects of the way I structure relationships with my customers.

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